Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One of my favorite Sundays!

We just celebrated one year of Ridge Church meeting every Sunday morning and it was "One of my favorite Sundays yet." It's amazing to watch our staff and volunteers at work. They are so good at what they do. They are full of passion. AND they get better and better.

You can go HERE to listen and catch up on the day "Our Sunday Best". It was a day of vision. We celebrated the past and dreamed for the future. I'm pretty pumped about this fall. God is definitely stirring some things up in and through this Ridge Church community.

Some of you really missed out! Sunday only--only for people in either our 9am or 11am worship service we gave out free t-shirts in honor of our birthday. Every adult and child got one. It's was really fun to watch. I've already seen multiple people wearing them this week.

Reflections and more about group link later...

1 comment:

Sean said...


I'm so proud of you and the Ridge Team.

You are doing a fantastic job of creating a church that unchurched people love to attend!

Way to go!