Across the board it was a great night. The children's areas were hopping with 50 kids fifth grade and younger lovin' life in Upstreet and Waumba Land. We have great leaders and volunteers that are making church exciting, fun, and memorable for children. It makes it easier for parents, like me, to have conversations with their kids about God.

So, we unveiled the new website www.ifiknewgodwaswithme.com We had over 100 hits by Monday morning after the first message in this series. This is going to be a fun interactive deal for Ridge Church over the next several weeks (and for any of you that want to participate). The idea behind this website is simple...
We want people to really wrestle with and reflect on the question, "What would any one in my circumstances do if they were absolutely confident that God was with them?" THEN---we want you to share your thoughts (anonymously or by name) on our blog. www.ifiknewgodwaswithme.com Here are a few questions to get moving in the right direction:
- Would you fight for your marriage or throw in the towel?
- Would you sign the business deal or walk away?
- Would you make that phone call, or visit you've been postponing?
- Would you risk more or relax more?
- Would you move or stay where you are?
- Would you be more generous with time, money, etc--or save, invest more?
- Would you react in anger or with compassion?
- Would you make that invite you've been delaying?
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