We really had a fun and "memorable" Easter Sunday. I literally smashed a real 52" LCD Sharp 1080P television on stage during the message. If you haven't heard why--sorry I won't tell you:-) But you can listen to the message
HERE and find out.

AND the service started off in a really gripping and powerful fashion. In fact we have had so many comments and people asking if we were going to put up the video footage from the service that we decided we would "consider" an encore presentation of the Easter opening in our 9:30am and 11am services this week. Maybe! So if you were late (shame on you) or if you were out of town, on the chance that we might do an ENCORE you really don't want to be late this week.
Last but not least.
Who have you invited to join you at Ridge this week? We believe church is for everybody not just church people. Invite someone to join you this week. We are beginning a powerful new series called "Simple".
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