Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Faith with feet?

On Location: Road Trip
For most people that are either attending church or have sometime along the way become followers of Jesus they can trace the origins of their current status back to someone in their workplace or school that found a way to introduce faith into the workplace. They cared or listened at the right time or they lived with such integrity that people began to ask why? But at some point their faith had to actually have feet! As we wrapped up our series "On Location" we talked about this idea that the workplace (or school) may be the most difficult place to introduce faith but it is perhaps the most important! Check out these two incredible videos that tell one amazing success story. I pray this will happen all across the amazing city of Charlotte!!...and I believe it will.

Faith with Feet!

The rest of the story:

1 comment:

Workhorse MTB said...

Awesome! Thanks for posting this for those of us that missed Sunday.