Friday, May 1, 2009

Three reasons you MUST be there!

I can think of a bunch of reasons why you MUST be at Ridge this Sunday, but I just picked three:
  1. B/C it will be a fun service start to finish. Fun opening song this week! Super message. Fun closing challenge. (don't be late 9:30am or 11am!)
  2. B/C If you hang around Ridge long enough stuff changes in you! Good stuff!
  3. B/C Something powerful is in the making right now. You can sense it and feel it in a unique way right now. This Sunday just might change your life and I really don't want you to miss out.
Literally every meeting I had this week and every time I turned around I heard YET another story of some one's unchurched or formerly churched friend that has come to Ridge Church in recent weeks and been both overwhelmed and anxious to come back. Some of them have encountered Jesus for the first time and become followers of Jesus. Others are still in the hunt but still can't wait to get back to Ridge each week. That's awesome!

I have heard two powerful stories of major life change from last Sunday's worship service alone. I will give a snapshot just before the message this week of exactly what God is up to and what this place and group of people is all about. I think it will affect each of you the way it affected me as I experienced it personally this week. I can't wait. SO--you must be there!

P.S. For those of you that have an immediate affection or even "addiction" to our new 9:30am service here is a little challenge. The original plan was to run it for 8 weeks until summer and go back to one service. HOWEVER: Last week was our highest adult attendance of the year and the services were almost identical in adult attendance. HERE's your challenge: We really need to see at least 15 more adults in each service in the next 6 weeks to keep that 9:30am service through the summer. So the ball is in your court! If you like it--invite.

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